About Products

ISORAN Production Process

Isoran is brand of thermal and sound insulation in Iran glass wool company . This insulation has been made used in construction industry for many years . a new study shows that the demand for insulation is increasing and glass wool thermal and sound insulation has 31% share of whole demand .

Glass wool thermal insulation is made of fine glass fiber and integrated by thermosetting resin in flexible roll or rigid slab form . The raw materials  are silis , feldspar , dolomite ,lime, sodium carbonate and borax which are combined in accurate portion and melted in 1400 0C temperature furnace , and by using process called TEL with centrifuge machines under two power of eccentricity and dynamic stretching , transformed  to flexible fibers as thick as 4 micron.

The produced fibers are white and as loose as cotton .in order to make the fibers compressed and coherent , liquid resin will be sprayed on fiber exactly after fiberizing . This bounded fibers with resin ,or raw glass wool will be heated with 300 0C temperature in heat tunnel and the proper density and thickness will be resulted under mechanical pressure . Density could be 15 to 200 mm.                                                          

The advantages of glass fiber production process (TEL) to the other mineral wool

The accurate formulation of required glass in this process with guarantee the equal production condition and uniformity of final product . In case of slight incorrect percentage of raw material , no suitable fiber resulted ,in spite of mineral properties of raw materials.

In production process of the  other mineral wool (slag and rock wool ) 30-35% shot (non –fiber)would be seen in wool mass because of result melt over flow while fibrizing , that there are no un-wanted material while glass wool production process.

The unique property of mineral wool is retention of air in fiber , and shot (non-fiber)will cause increase in density with no efficacy .according to ASTM (American Standard), a specific percentage of shot is accepted as an unavoidable defect and more than limit will cause the product will be rejected .



ISORAN thermal operation

All insulations is defined by its thermal conductivity coefficient or λ according to ASTM C1777 and EN12667 standards. And shown by w/m0C. the resistance of insulation against thermal conductivity is depend on two factors thickness (T)and thermal conductivity(λ). The unit of thermal resistence is m2.0C/w and bigger R shows better thermal operation , and on the other hand λ is depend on density of glass wool insulation . 

The density of insulation has direct relation with thermal resistance up to 70 kg kg/m3,so that is the most operative and economic one .

In case of ISORAN with low density of 1012 kg/m3,the least thickness of 50mm is recommended . choosing the economic thickness as shown in below diagram , is so important according to insulations cost , kind of insulation energy cost and loss.

In a survey, 102mm thick glass wool is used around that ½ inch pipe with 204 0C and surface temp. Measured with reduction temperature up to 32 0 C , and because of sizable reduction of energy consumption , the cost of insulating will be compensated during 7 month. 


ISORAN Sound Insulation Property

Isoran has sound absorption coefficient because of fibrous structure of glass wool . Noise controlling is possible with 3 mechanism, of absorption ,obstruction and increase in mass. 

Two last solution are expensive and impractical , so  noise absorption is more practical and common .and it is evaluated with α (sound absorption coefficient . ISORAN α coefficient with  different density and thickness is more in comparison with other insulation and its value depended on frequencies (Hz), density (kg/m3)and thickness (mm)is variable 0.4 to 1 

Using Isoran singly or with other material by conserving the insulation standard  , reduce sound transmission up to 19dB,  dB and sound intensity has logarithmic relationship , every 5 dB reduction causes the sound intensity to be help , so consider 19dB reduction how could be effective .

Using Isoran RS in ceiling and floor of building guarantee silence and relaxation of each floor resident and no sound of foot step , furniture movement , evaluator motor ,water flow in pipe and siphon with be heard .


ISORAN behavior against fire

Construction material in aspect of behavior to fire as classified as below table :

Isoran is classified in group A1 according to mentioned EN  standards . 

Isoran and other mineral wool(Rock wool and Slag wool) is classified in group A1, means non-combustible ,.according to EN standards.

In fire case this product dose not spread any poisons , Smog ,in addition it will be fire –retardant and prepares enough time for fire fighting especially for column and steel carrier beam in high building . 

carrier beam in high building .


ISORAN safe and hygienic

This product has been used in all over the world for 80 years, near to half a century in Iran with brand of Isoran , and as asbestos has been rejected to use as insulation in 1930 decade in USA and Europe , and its substitution with glass wool , may lead to some wrong impression that glass wool is as carcinogenic as asbestos.

Glass wool is completely safe ,and no risk for human health and classified as dangerous as tea , and caffeine according to who research Dept. on cancer(IARC)ranking for more information please refer to IARC website as below :



ISORAN more properties

-Durable quality

Because of the glass formulation of fiber, Isoran is resistance to climatic factors, humidity, acidic  and alkaline, and no decay and weathering will happened .these factors have impressive effects on the other kind of mineral wool and cause the destruction water repellency and anti humidity

Water repellency is a brilliant property of fiber glass because of added resin to fiber , which causes decrease in capillary of fiber and less water and humidity absorption , so the fiber get dried fast .

According to ASTM C1104, Isoran humidity absorption is only 20% kept in 50 0C , and 95 % humidity for 96hours ,and according to BS2972 in the same above condition the humidity absorption is less than 1%

Vapor permeation

Vapor easily permeate in Isoran, but because of cellular structure (air retention),passing the vapor and condensation without absorption .

According to EN12086standard ,vapor permeation absorption coefficient (µ) is less than 1.3.

Using a vapor barrier such as AR facing (Kraft paper +Al. foil reinforced with glass yarn) is recommended .

PE film or Kraft paper could be used but AR helps in radiation resistance to thermal conductivity . in service and maximum temp. and the humidity and temp. condition based on EN 1604 and ASTM C356 and ASTM C411 ,has the best dimensions sustainability .

Corrosion risk reduction

Pipe and austenitic steel tank insulting with mineral wool has the risk of corrosion specially in contact of chloride salt , but humidity and high tem. Of 70-105 0C ,but according to ASTM C795 using ISORAN has no such harmful effect.

Quality control and guarantee 

ISORAN with Iran mandatory standard No.8116 CE standard emblem is produced and controlled under CPT no.89/106/EEC and EN13162